Wednesday, April 11, 2012

on social alterity

it's not a subculture or a counter-culture - - "I" is universal conscious being domain.

with consciousness, we create. on the plane of the horizon, existing while experiencing, time lapses when we wonder at that which we be.


I as the universe permeate all.
I and I as all

soil for freedom, infinite, eternally
you can't redefine my being. you have I as infinitely as I. realize. why is it important to define I and I this way? nothing about culture suggests you are not particularly that. alterity is not about negating everything we already are; it's about recognizing the freedom beneath the deeper possibilities inherently accessible to form via the human design. The via regia is the nature of the human as well as subject to the human's will and capacity to author it.

I follow the path I develop. The path is going to keep unfolding for the following. How I choose to traverse it is up to me. Whether and when I choose to modify my map is up to me. How I choose to perceive it all is up to me.

So what is the best course of action? breathe. remember the nature of the human design. it is free and it favors affirmative success. the proof is that we experience energy as bliss. we embody the will of our consciousness in this ocean of oceans. whatever role we desire to play we may choose.

the world expects of us certain defenses and definitions. here is my proposal for social alterity: I cultural overstanding. we get it. we also get that we can choose. we choose to discard the obvious turmoil and propitiate the soil of free understanding and creative endeavor.

creative does not necessarily mean anything more than fostering a quality relationship with the I of experience, nor does it necessarily mean anything less.

the I cultural overstanding takes place inspired by the light of conscious choice flowing through the gravity of the will known as light's all-permeating womb. ooooooooo let it come into sound mmmmmmm

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